Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you all had a safe holiday this week as we begin 2019! We ended last year on a good note, printing around 200 shirts, ranging from basketball jerseys to sweatshirts. We did a two color shirt print for Club K Afterschool that looked pretty cool. We even put our vinyl cutter to use and did some stickers for a returning customer of ours. (Check out our Facebook and Instagram to see those pictures) As for right now, we are getting ready for future printing projects this month. Btw, did you know you can order stuff from our website now? Not only does it have shirts, but also cinch bags and cups! Plus we can ship them to you if needed! We are aiming to make 2019 a great year, and I hope you are too!

Thanks for reading, and as always, Aim High!

-Alex Womack
